The Role of a Teacher.
One of the roles of a teacher in the lifelong learning sector is to value all of their learners individually and equally. Also their role is to create effective and stimulating opportunities for learning through high quality teaching that enables the development and progression of all learners. The role of a teacher in the lifelong learning sector is to plan their sessions by doing lesson plans, preparation of teaching materials, assessing their learners, evaluating themselves and their delivery, completing attendance records, maintaining records of learner progress e.g. interviews, tutorials, assessments, etc. Having a duty of care for your learners, inducting learners to the organization and course, carrying out one to one tutorials and reviews with learners, following professional values and ethics, acting and speaking appropriately, standardizing your practice with others. Attending meetings, marking work, attending promotional events and exhibitions and referring learners to other people or agencies when necessary. The professional should always keep records of the teaching sessions, such as lesson plans and progression reports of the learners.
As a teacher we have to follow the teaching cycle bellow: Source: Essex country council
1. Identify Needs – Firstly one must identify the training need of the class they are to teach. This can be done by initial assessment, either verbal, written or by observations. A teacher’s role within this stage is to decide how is best to assess or decide what the objectives should be.
2. Plan and Design – Stage two is the planning and design of the course or lesson. A clear plan including how to achieve the needs identified and stage one and details such as time to be spent on each subject should reflect the initial assessment of the class. This also provides a guide for