Professor Wombles
October 25, 2015
English 1301
Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is the major cause of death related to cancer in both men and women. That goes for everyone worldwide, not just the U.S.A. It kills more people than prostate, colorectal, and breast cancer combined. Over 150,000 people are expected to die from lung cancer this year. That contributes to about Twenty-Seven percent of cancer related deaths. The amount of deaths caused by lung cancer has steadily been rising Three and a half percent each year since 1999.
Even though there are a lot of deaths from it each year, there are more people diagnosed with it. The lucky ones that found the cancer early enough were most likely able to treat it properly with minimal side …show more content…
There are 3 main types of the cancers. The cells differentiate in how big they are, appearance, and molecular compound when looked at under a microscope. They are put in the same group together because the process of the treatment is very alike.
The second type of lung cancer is Small cell lung cancer. It got its name because of how it looks while under a microscope. This one starts near the center of the chest. The spread of it is very fast and is usually detected when it has spread to other parts of the body. And in some cases that’s when it was too late.
One main type of treating cancer is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy mainly operates by slowing the growth of cancer cells which spread incredibly fast. It can also do damage to healthy cells that quickly, such as ones in your mouth and stomach or in your hair. Damage to healthy cells may cause side effects. Such as fatigue, which is most common in cancer patients. Chemotherapy does cause some problems within the patient but it can ultimately make the patient better. That’s why it is most commonly practiced. Patients have gotten rid of cancer because of chemo so it does more good than …show more content…
Damage to the lungs start early in people who smoke cigarettes due to the amount of chemicals in them. People of the same age who do not smoke have a higher lung function than those who do smoke. The smoke worsens their lungs every time they smoke. It gradually becomes more and more deadly.
I have people in my life who smoke cigarettes on a day to day basis. It’s mostly family. I see them everyday lighting up another “deathstick” and it kills me to let them do that. They know the risks of smoking so telling them would not do any good. My Grandmother who has been smoking for the most of her life is now seventy-nine. She and her husband have to carry around oxygen tanks because they struggle to breathe. They physically can’t breathe without a certain apparatus to keep them alive. One of the very few things in life we need to survive is oxygen and they ruined the thing that could give it to