D-Client arrived on time for his scheduled appt. with this writer. The client was alert and engaging throughout the session. During the course of the one hour session, he was aware about completing his first initial tx plan, at which he was open to discuss and complete. The client reported that he participated at HOI prior – 15 years ago for heroin. He relapses in 2009 due to his liver transplant surgery in December of 2008. When asked by this writer about happen during his relapse. According to the client, he relapses on RX medication-oxycodone. He’s been abusing his Rx medication for 6 years. This writer asked the client about how his relapse affects his livelihood. According to the client, he affected him greatly financially whereas he spent his entire $150,000 inheritance on RX medication on the street. The client further mentioned that he spend $5,000 a week on daily Rx medication of 30 capsules of oxycodone. The client expressed his disappointment in himself because he was doing well, but since his surgery, at which the client recognized as a blessing, caused his addiction to pain killers. The client continues to say, “I cannot blame anyone, but me.” The client had a desire to open up his own Bar/Restaurant…
Counselor met with Pt. to discuss his updated treatment plan dealing with Relapse Prevention Strategies. Pt. agreed to sign the record of services sheet. Pt. indicated that his current prescribed medication is “doing fine”. Pt. is taking 60 mg of methadone as instructed by AMS Doctor. Counselor asked him whether he has used any illicit drugs since the last session which he replied yes. Pt. read and answered few questions on his treatment plan without objections. Per treatment assignment, Pt. will develop a relapse prevention plan consistent with recovery while identifying social, emotional, and physical pressures that pose risks for relapse. Pt. is currently in the Level 0 + 1 because he continues to use heroin. Counselor prompted Pt. to identify justifications he told himself to make poor decisions and lead to an unhealthy path that eventually led to using heroin recently as evidenced by his previous UDS. Pt. reported that he decided to use opiates recently because he was bored and “I fall back to my old self.” The next step in the session, Counselor encouraged Pt. to recommit to his recovery program by reinstituting some positive behaviors. Counselor tried to…
Counselor met with Pt. for a short tx intervention. Counselor flagged pt. in the computer to meet this writer before dosing. Counselor greeted Pt. and told him that this writer tried to reach him but his phone wasn’t accepting calls. Pt. explained how his phone was disconnected because he did not receive his veteran check. Counselor and Pt. discussed his recent positive UDS result, the events that led to the relapse and how he is going to lose of his take home privileges. Pt. verbalized that he has infection in a tooth and he used cocaine toothpaste to remove it. Pt. stated, “I wasn’t thinking about it at the moment, but after the incident, I was expecting.” Counselor asked Pt. why and how he removed his tooth. Pt. informed this writer that…
I would like to answer your question: [What would be a realistic strategy to prevent cessation of physical activity or lapse?] According to Stetson et al. (2005) on average, physically active people outlive those who are inactive. It is estimated that only about 11% of healthy adults engage in moderate-to-vigorous, purposeful activity 3 or more days per week. Lapses or “drop out” in exercise routines are quite common. For the purpose of being specific, I will equate physical activity with exercise.…
CrimeSolutions.gov is a website established by The National Institute of Corrections agency which is within the Department of Justice Programs. According to the website the program rates a green status which means it is effective. There are three ratings, Green which indicates a program is effective, Yellow gives the program a promising status, and red means that the program is not effective at all. An evaluation of the program was done in 2014, and the findings were conclusive, stating that the program worked (Willison, Brier, and Kim, 2014.). The researchers found that both Reentry programs within the Allegheny Program reduced arrest and the stabilization of the clients was noted. The findings of the programs were supported by evidence of implementation fidelity and the principles aligned with those considered effective intervention (Domurad et. al. 2010; Matthews et al. 2001) (as cited in Willison, et. al.,…
Ross, R. & McKay, B (1980). Behavioral Approaches to Treatment in Corrections – Requiem for a Panacea. Retrieved from…
Lin, W. F., Mack, D., Enright, R. D., & Baskin, T. W. (2004). Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Anger, Mood, and Vulnerability to Substance Use among Inpatient Substance-Dependent Clients. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72(6), 1114-1121.…
The three treatment outcomes that will be discussed are recidivism, relapse, and harm-reductions. These treatment outcomes explain individual behavioral outcome after incarceration, half-way house, or hospital. The recidivism model…
Great job summarizing and including the important aspects of mindfulness made by Jon Kabat-Zinn. I agree that mindfulness channels awareness and acknowledges the present moment. When we become aware in the present, we focus less on the regrets of the past or the worries of the future. Mindfulness allows one to trust in themselves and awaken their senses to develop the whole self (Kabat-Zinn, 2007). It can help addicts reconnect the fragmented pieces of themselves. I like how you included that the first step to recovery is to become aware and open. When addicts free themselves of the demands to control, they allow serenity and peace of mind to enter (Kurtz & Ketcham, 2002). People must be willing to to accept that one is not in absolute control…
It is an enormous achievement to successfully go through drug rehabilitation. It takes a lot of dedication and a willingness to change. However, people do find themselves at the precipice of returning to old habits. They are tempted to relapse back into a lifestyle that they had spent so much time and energy to leave behind. There are, thankfully, a few great techniques to prevent these relapses.…
This program offers residential for inmates and substance abuse treatment (Roberts, 2008). Moreover, in the program, individuals may receive six months with two group and individual sessions twice every week. Furthermore, outpatient is considered as an aftercare program for offenders. The external is to be decreased, which allow the increase of internal that allows control that allows self- directional and goal oriented behavior.…
Despite a 50% increase in the budget for prisons and managing offenders in the last ten years almost half of all adult offenders released from custody reoffend within a year so effective rehabilitation is needed to enable us to break the cycle of crime and prison. This rehabilitation includes offending behaviour programmes, which make offenders, confront and acknowledge the damage their behaviour does, and then learn how to change the patterns which have often grown up over many years and have become a way of life.…
D: Today’s topic was focused on Dim 3 and 5. Group members learned different types of triggers; the steps that lead from trigger to relapse; and ways to interrupt the relapse process.…
First and foremost I would like to say that I sympathize with your situation. It is a challenging one on a good day! On one hand, you have a dedicated, hard-working, deserving individual that has made a mistake that may affect all of the strenuous efforts she has put forth throughout her school years. Albeit only one mistake, it is a considerable one. On the other hand, you have another student equally dedicated and hard working that feels jilted out of the ceremonial recognition that he obviously feels he deserves. I am more than willing to give you my opinion on the matter ethically, but I feel it’s my responsibility to also advise you on the legalities of the situation as well. You’ve stated that the school handbook prohibits use of “illegal drugs.” Although Ritalin in not considered an “illegal street drug,” any prescription drug taken by or given out by someone whom is not the prescribed recipient constitutes an “illegal” action. Period, end of story. There is no gray area on whether it is illegal or not when it comes to the written law. Whether authorities would actually pursue the matter or not is something entirely different. I feel it would be safe to say that you don’t need to report or take legal action against her. The rest of the facts really are not as black and white. The suggestion of “cheating” in my opinion is really not one of such that I agree with. If we were talking about a sport and the drug enhanced the performance, that would be one thing but we are not. We are basically talking about someone who was overworked and overtired and used a stimulant to keep herself awake and focused. She still did the work, and was still prepared. This stimulant didn’t increase her ability to memorize or comprehend. Therefore, I contend that she did not cheat. The mere fact that Samantha admitted to taking the Ritalin, in my opinion speaks volumes with…
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment of Substance Use Disorder With Incarcerated Women. Journal of Clinical Psychology, Retrieved June 22, 2015 http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.library.gcu.edu:2048…