Management often measures recruitment and selection strategies by using a common method according to the applicant’s background. Management has the responsibility to recruit top talent and the most qualified individuals with the most experience and an excellent work relationship with his or her colleagues and will uphold the integrity of the organization. Planning the recruitment strategy is pertinent to a new and upcoming business. The first step consists of managing applicants and welcoming potential participants (Cascio, 2013). To recruit the highest experienced employees, Landslide Limousines will have to carefully create a proficient recruitment plan.
The recruitment and subsequent selection of new hires are the most pertinent decisions that an organization can make. Employees are considered the fuel that keeps a business operating. An organization must take the time to set the culture of researching growth and advancement for its staff, because the business is put in a strong position when it comes time to hire new people. If an organization has an internal culture, you can use the present employees as referral catalysts, which is an excellent way to find new talent. Once this is established, the best way to keep top talent is to maintain a company culture which the employee is pleased to work and are treated with respect and co Recruiting candidates
Recruiting a pre-qualified candidate pool of employees is a good way to start the process of seeking employees. It is good practice to provide a job description for potential employees to give them the requirements of the position so that he or she is aware of the qualifications. There are many resources that a company may use to recruit job candidates. They are as follows:
1. Recruitment by specific location
2. Recruitment by job centers
3. Recruitment agencies
4. Advertising
5. Employee Referral
6. Internet research on job sites
7. Contract staffing
8. Word-of-mouth
9. Online ads
References: Cascio, W.F. (2013). Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits (9th ed) Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin Recruitment Methods. (2014). Retrieved from