
Raising The Minimum Wage Essay

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Raising The Minimum Wage Essay
Raising the minimum wage and getting paid more sounds like a great idea. Who wouldn’t want to have more money? While it may be cool to raise the minimum wage and get paid more money, it has it’s downsides. Minimum wage is the least amount of money an employer can give to their workers. We are talking about minimum wage because it is very important in our economy. People have been trying to raise the minimum wage. While some may argue that raising the minimum wage would help those who don’t have enough money to buy resources, the US should not raise the minimum wage because it will result in people losing their jobs and things getting more expensive.
The US should not raise the minimum wage because if they raise the minimum wage then they will
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A 2012 analysis of the New York State minimum wage increase from $5.15 to $6.75 per hour found a “20.2 to 21.8 percent reduction in the employment of younger less-educated individuals.” This means that when the minimum wage increased that the amount of employees decreased.
Some argue that the US should raise the minimum wage because it would help families that don’t have a lot of money get money. While this may be true in some cases it is not true in most. Raising the minimum wage would mean that business owners would have to spend more money and they won’t want to waste their money on someone that doesn’t know what their doing so a lot of people would get fired. Only few people will remain and get paid well but the rest would be jobless.
While some may argue that raising the minimum wage would help those who don’t have enough money to buy resources, the US should not raise the minimum wage because it will result in people losing their jobs and things getting more expensive. Raising the minimum wage directly affects society because if a lot of people get fired and everything gets more expensive it will be harder for people to get the things that they need to survive.This won’t help the economy it will worsen it. That is why the US should not raise the minimum

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