Government England of Elizabeth I was a very complicated system of government. First there were the national bodies of government such as Privy Council and Parliament, and the regional bodies such as the Council of the Marches and the North. The monarch was the head ruler and determined issues of national religion, What Parliament would discuss about, matters of education, welfare of the people, and the clothes they were able to wear. She believed that she had divine …show more content…
The English War with Spain, The Wars in Ireland, and The war against the Tyrone Rebellion. The reasons for war with Spain was wealth and power from trade was at demand in the New World. The Spanish Armada which had 132 ships was beat by England who had an army of 165 vessels and 35 ships. The reasons for the Elizabethan War in Ireland were that the war wanted to create English governors that would rule instead of the Irish Lords. The outcome was terrible famine in Munster, the Desmond clan was defeated. The reasons for the Tyrone rebellion were the Irish Catholics hated Protestantism and they believed Queen Elizabeth and all Protestants were …show more content…
The nobles had power and had great lives, but only 3% of England were nobles. Even though most of the population was poor, the lower classes in England were often uneducated. Life for the lower class was mainly working very hard to earn a moderate living. Poor laws were made to maintain the poor. Elizabethan poor laws helped the deserving poor such as the sick, elderly, and orphans, and the undeserving poor were punished. The deserving poor would get local support including food, money and clothing. Also could stay in a poor house, which was a building made to help the