Analyse how legislative and regulatory frameworks inform quality standards that apply to the work setting.
The main regulatory framework that we follow is the EYFS welfare requirements. The requirements are broken down into sections: * The learning and development requirements
This details how we must work in partnership with parents and carers, promote the areas of learning preparing them for school. It ensures we support families that has English as an additional language and highlights the need for key workers. * Assessment
This section describes how we, as practitioners, monitor how the children are progressing and in which areas. The section also shows the need for a progress check between the ages of two and three and a progress report before the children enter Primary School. * The safeguarding and welfare requirements
Here the guidelines are set out in order to keep the children, staff and any visitors safe and within the law. Risk assessments, the need for policies, ratios and space allowance are also detailed here.
Each section details recommended best practice as a guide to follow, during practice day to day we model our policies, procedures and practice on these guidelines. With the help of a Self Evaluation Form (SEF) we look at each aspect of our daily routine and the service we offer and produce evidence of what we do compared to the welfare requirements.
When the most recent copy of the EYFS was published some changes were made, it is important that we are aware of, and abide by, these changes. The changes were: 1. An area of learning and development consists of 3 prime areas and 4 specific areas with close links with the National Curriculum in subject areas. (Literacy and Maths) 2. Early learning goals and assessment has been ‘slimmed down’ to 17 goals from 69. 3. The progress check in the child’s 2nd year. 4.