Ben Meissner
Bonnie Merritt
Descriptive Statistics The microbrewery is trying to determine why profitability is inconsistent with sales. Over the past couple years the profits have decreased. The hypothesis is to determine if the mean net revenue for the first half of the year is less than or equal to the mean net revenue for the second half of the year. The variables used in the determination are sales (dependent variable) and cost of goods sold (COGS) (independent variable). The management consolidated a year of invoices. These invoices were segregated into two groups, first half of the year (Q1/Q2) and second half of the year (Q3/Q4). A sampling plan was established for each group. The sampling plan ensures 95% confidence with 5% error that mean sales and cost of goods sold is representative of the population. Invoices were randomly selected using a random number generator (see Appendix A). To evaluate this data, descriptive statistics and charting will be utilized.
Sales (Q1/Q2 and Q3/Q4) For both data sets the distributions are not normal (p < 0.05). The data is skewed to the right.
Q1/Q2 Sampling Results
Q3/Q4 Sampling Results
Central Tendency (Median)
Dispersion (Interquartile Range)
493 / 2 = +/- 247
511 / 2 = +/- 256
-1,919 and 5,392
-2,015 and 11,115
Confidence Interval:
Not applicable, distribution is not normal
Not applicable, distribution is not normal
See descriptive statistics in Appendix B, and histograms in Appendix D.
Cost of Goods Sold (Q1/Q2 and Q3/Q4) For both data sets the distributions are not normal (p < 0.05). The data is skewed to the right.
Q1/Q2 Sampling Results
Q3/Q4 Sampling Results
Central Tendency (Median)
Dispersion (Interquartile Range)
127 / 2 = +/- 64
127 / 2 = +/- 64
-465 and 1,343
-502 and 2,756
Confidence Interval:
Not applicable, distribution is not normal
Not applicable, distribution is not