Rehab Farouk Mohammed Ali1, El Anany Ayman Mohammed*2 1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University , 12613, Giza, Egypt . 2Special Food & Nutrition Department, Food Technology Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center , Giza , Egypt *E-mail:
Abstract The main goal of the current investigation was to use sugar cane bagasse ash (SCBA) and to compare its adsorption efficiency with Magnesol XL as synthetic adsorbents to regenerate the quality of fried sunflower oil. In addition, to evaluate the effect of water washing process on the quality of fried and fried – treated sunflower oil. The metal patterns of sugar cane bagasse ash and Magnesol XL were determined. Some physical and chemical properties non-fried, fried and fried–treated, sunflower oil were determined. Sunflower oil sample was heated at 180 °C + 5 °C, then frozen French fries potato were fried every 30 min. during a continuous period of 20 h. Oil samples were taken every 4 h. The filter aids were added individually to the fried oil at levels 1, 2 and 3 % (w / v), then mechanically stirred for 60 min at 105 ºC. The results indicate that all the filter aids under study were characterized by high levels of Si and variable levels of other minerals. The highest level of Si was recorded for sugar cane bagasse ash (SCBA) was 76.79 wt. %. Frying process caused significant (P≤0.05) increases in physico-chemical properties of fried sunflower oil. The treatments of fried oil with different levels of SCBA and Magnesol XL caused significant (P≤0.05) increase in the quality of fried-treated oil, however the soap content of fried – treated oil was increased also, therefore, the effects of water washing
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