Assignment 1
1.1 Explain what your roles and responsibilities would be as a teacher. What Boundaries must you be aware of?
I am a Registered Nurse (RN) and also a director of a domiciliary care business based in North Somerset. I have done a number of clinical teaching courses and have studied at Post Graduate level. This is my first generic teaching or training qualification.
My roles and responsibilities as a teacher are to impart skills and knowledge, and in my specialist area this means training my staff in vocational and / or academic skills. In addition it is my responsibility whilst teaching to provide sessions and plans that are as inclusive as possible to as wide an audience as possible. I must not discriminate against a learner and must provide every opportunity that learning will be achieved as equally as I can. To be able to do this properly I need to have prior knowledge of my students through the initial assessment process.
I have to train my staff in a manner acceptable to the regulatory body called Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the training must adhere to the guidelines laid down by the Heath and Social Care Act 2008.
My actions in training my staff also fulfil my responsibility as an employer to enable staff to learn and develop which is underpinned by the Employment Rights Act 1996.
Furthermore it is in my interest as a business person to train and retain staff who bring business to me. The learners that I teach, or enable to be taught, gain qualifications which help them to earn wages and therefore pay taxes.
The Capitalist society that we live in values the notion of the work ethic or “protestant work ethic” as it is commonly known. The start of this movement is largely attributed to the 19th century economist Max Weber, who directly argued against the works of Karl Mark, and tied capitalism to religion to promote work as the route to salvation. Weber M 1904: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of