Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Don Cole Jr.
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College
Ptsd was first recognized by the medical community by war veterans. Ptsd is common. It was stated in, (," 67% of people who experienced some form of violence has Ptsd. The rate is higher than any other form of traumatic events." Americans age 18 or older will experience Ptsd at some part in their lives.( This is a serious condition that can develop after a person has experienced or witnessed a tramatic event; where physical harm occured or the person was threatend. This condition causes fear, helplessness in people who suffer from Ptsd. Families of victims can also develop Ptsd. This …show more content…
These are common and most people over time these symptoms go away. And for others, these feelings continue and become so strong that the condition prevents the person from living a normal life. People with this disorder express symptoms for more than one month and they are unable to function as they did before the tramatic event occurred. The severity and duration of the illness vary. The symptoms of Ptsd are: Reliving is when the person relieves the ordeal through their thoughts and memories of the trauma. These include flash backs, hallucinations and nightmares. Next there is Avoiding, where the person may avoid people, places or situations that remind them of the trauma. The person detaches and isolates themselves from …show more content…
Treatment for Ptsd may include medication, counseling or both. Medications used to treat Ptsd are antidepressant such as Zoloft, Paxil they help control the person feelings of anxiety and the symptoms they have. Tranquilizers and mood stabilizers such as Ativan, Depakote may also be used. Neuroleptics such as Seroquel and Ability are used sometimes to help with nightmares. Blood pressure medication is used at times to control certain symptoms. Psychotherapy for Ptsd helps the person learn how to manage and cope with symptoms. Therapy is used to teach the person and their family about Ptsd. Skills are taught to the person in how to manage their fears due to the traumatic event. There are a variety of therapy