Primary- Election in which voters decide which of the candidates within a party will represent the party in the general election.
Caucus- A local meeting of people where they vote on who they would like their party's nominee to be.
Convention- A meeting of party delegates to vote on matters of policy and in some cases to select party candidates for public office.
In order to become the president of the United States, the candidates must first announce their intentions to run. Primaries then take place to determine the candidate that will represent the party as a whole, which is finalized during the national party conventions. …show more content…
In order to ensure that our elections and campaigns are more democratic we have adopted things like the 17th Amendment which would allow senators to be elected though direct voting rather than state legislatures. In addition, the United States has also used something called a recall election in which voters can remove an elected official from office though a direct vote.
The reason why the Electoral College was created was because our Founding Fathers were distrustful in allowing the president to be elected directly by the people. As a result, the Electoral College would be a system to determine who will be the next president and who will be the next vice president of the United States though the votes of electors from every state. This would create an indirect way for votes to elect their president.
Multiparty systems differ from single-member districts with winner take all systems because rather that one party assuming a government position, a multiparty system makes it possible for multiple political parties to gain control of the government at one time.