Cell Phone Use While Driving
April 29,2013
Cell Phone Use While Driving
It cannot be denied that science and technology have been instrumental in helping us in our daily lives, especially with regards to the way we socialize with each other. Technology has inherently made the world a small village, with communication becoming a tool that is accessible almost everywhere at any given time. One of the most noticeable faces of current communications technology is the cellular phone. Also known as a mobile phone, a cell phone these days have become the primary way by which people connect with each other effectively. It is estimated that around 111 million American citizens use cell phones (Glazer). Though, whereas …show more content…
If the public is aware of the effects and possible consequences of using calling or texting while driving, people will become more eager to avoid doing the practice. People must understand that cell phone use while driving is not simply a matter of responding to or exchanging messages. Sometimes, it may mean the life and death of people. Secondly, laws must be passed banning the use of cell phones by drivers. While educating the public is effective, there are cases when people disregard the details and just remain stubborn. Passing laws strengthen the case for refraining from the practice and people who violate the laws are to be held liable, which may act as a deterrent. Already, many countries and states in the United States have enacted laws that ban texting and calling while driving. And finally, educating people of the proper ways to handle messages and calls may also help. There are instances when calls and messages are very important thereby requiring quick response. The first thing to take note of is to never use the phone while the vehicle is running. If a message or a call comes over the phone, a driver must slow down, come to a full stop at a safe spot on the road, and activate the proper signals to warn other vehicles that the driver has stopped. It is only then that he can read the message, receive the call, or reply. Messages and calls may be important. But nothing is more important than the lives endanger by irresponsible use of mobile