One of the significant privileges of being an American citizen is having the benefit of social services. If a family were unable to make ends meet, we have the advantage of having government funded …show more content…
Many illegal immigrants come to the United States alone, working multiple jobs to help support their families back in their home country. The issue with this is that they are sending American money out of the country. In 1980 illegal aliens sent $2 billion out of America, in 2006 it was approximately $45 billion alone. According to Business Post “About $3 billion in remittances will go to El Salvador this year, or about 15 percent of that country's gross domestic product and more money per capita than flows to Mexico, which will receive $24 billion from immigrants living in the United States.” That is an alarming rate. In the United States we live in a consumer society, with American currency disappearing it is not being re-invested back in our economy. Our economy benefits solely on the flow of money, our nation’s economy is certainly not benefiting from currency disappearing.
The growth of immigrants from Latin America is at an all time high. People around the world want to start a new, prosperous life here in the United States for the obvious reasons. People come for a new opportunity, for a higher standard of living, and maybe even an education, and who can blame them. In no way am I against immigration, but I will stand against
illegal immigration. I believe if you want the benefits of being a part of this nation, you must do it legally and pay your fair share. I welcome immigrants to become my neighbors, as long they do it legally.