Task A - Short Answer Questions
Ai) Using the table below, explain in your own words what each term means. Give one example from care practice to illustrate your explanation.
| |Explanation |Example |
|Diversity |Diversity is about valuing individual difference, and |As a social care worker, you need to act |
| |understanding that every person is unique and needs to be |respectfully, irrelevant of your own |
| |treated differently, in accordance to meet their different|beliefs. You must value and respect a |
| |needs. Diversity challenges us to recognise and value all |person, and work to give them the highest|
| |sorts of differences in order to make our environment a |level of care despite their appearance, |
| |better place for everyone to work. |race, culture, beliefs, ability etc |
|Equality |Equality is about offering everyone the same |As a company, you may also carry out |
| |opportunities, irrelevant of their situation. |domestic tasks, such as cleaning or |
| |Individuality should be taken into account. You may need |housework, to some people, this may not |
| |to work with some people a little closer to gain |be needed as they may be able to do it |
| |additional support to help them to achieve their goals |themselves, or not want it done. Either |
| | |way, you must still offer this to |
| |