Beowulf never existed. The story is purely mythological. The story features dragons and we know they did not exist. Therefore, Beowulf never existed either. Beowulf is said to have fought a flying serpent. We have never seen one, therefore they did not either. The fact that they would tell such stories and believe them, shows a people who had a mindset we call primitive.
Ancient people had a knack for starting their histories with mythologies. They wrote about gods, dragons, and giants. Since we know that these things did not exist, it shows the primitive mentality of the people who wrote such tales. There is therefore …show more content…
So were storms, earthquakes, the rising of the rivers, and eclipses. The stars were said to represent gods, mythological creatures, and heroes. Enlil, Jupiter, Zeus and Thor were said to be the god of lightening. Isis, Inanna, Minerva, and Aphrodite were said to be the goddesses of reproduction and frtility. The gods had the ability to fortel the future and they could communicate this ability to some initiated men by means of opening animals to see the colors of their intestines, or by going to an oracle to get a message from the gods. The Hebrews said that man and the animals were made of dirt which we know is not …show more content…
We find them universally imprinted on the minds of mankind. Free thinking as we know it did not exist. The river was god, the sun was god, and so was the moon and planets. Even today, many follow these stories in one form or another. Mythologies are still part of our lives today. The names of the days of the week, the months, place names – all contain a lot of mythological names. The names of planets, their moons, stars – many of them can be found in mythological stories. Religion in modified form still plays a big role in the modern world and all religions contain references to mythologies – eg, the Flood story and the story of a fall from a previous high golden