Pt. maintained his full-time employment status and self-reported that he has no issues or concerns with his personal finance. Pt. has become more open in acknowledging and accepting his chemical dependence and the destructive consequences that it has had on his social support network, intimate relationship and his family unit. During this quarter, Primary Counselor will encourage Pt. to attend informative AMS group sessions associated to relapse prevention and the recovery process. Primary Counselor will encourage Pt. to examine his commitment to his recovery and come up with new strategies for effectively balancing work, recovery and family. Counselor will help Pt. in arranging social and leisure activities that are free from any form of connection with substance abuse during the next quarter individual sessions. Pt.’s current treatment plan goals focus on opiate use disorder, financial, relapse prevention strategies and lack of support network. During the upcoming quarter, current goals will continue to be
Pt. maintained his full-time employment status and self-reported that he has no issues or concerns with his personal finance. Pt. has become more open in acknowledging and accepting his chemical dependence and the destructive consequences that it has had on his social support network, intimate relationship and his family unit. During this quarter, Primary Counselor will encourage Pt. to attend informative AMS group sessions associated to relapse prevention and the recovery process. Primary Counselor will encourage Pt. to examine his commitment to his recovery and come up with new strategies for effectively balancing work, recovery and family. Counselor will help Pt. in arranging social and leisure activities that are free from any form of connection with substance abuse during the next quarter individual sessions. Pt.’s current treatment plan goals focus on opiate use disorder, financial, relapse prevention strategies and lack of support network. During the upcoming quarter, current goals will continue to be