Poverty Destroys American Families
My paper is about the effects of poverty on the African-American family. I want to explore how the absence of fathers and adequate finances leads to poor mental health and self-efficacy in low-income neighborhoods. My thesis is that the effects of poverty are the most important social factor that contributes to the academic and economic underachievement of Blacks in America.
1. Anderson, Elaine A. and Julie K. Kohler. 2005. Predictors of Depression Among Low-Income, Nonresidential Factors. Journal of Family Issues, vol. 26 No. 5, 547 – 567.
This article investigates the life conditions that contribute to low-income fathers’ …show more content…
Activities such as number of times a partner has hit or yelled at a spouse are recorded. Also surveys were given to find that black couples have high scores for mistrust and violent and guilty feelings towards each other.
10. Smith, Carolyn A. 2005. African-American Fathers: Myths and Realities about their Firstborn Children. Journal of Family Issues, vol. 26 No. 7, 975 - 1001.
This study predicts the involvement of young African-American fathers. Analysis is based on a sample of men who have become fathers by age 22, 67% of which are African American. The hypothesis is that for African American fathers, fulfilling a father role is related to the success of transition to adult roles and relationships. Results suggested that African American fathers do no differ significantly from other young fathers in their contact with and support provided to their eldest biological child.
11. Sun, Yongmin. 2001. Marital Disruption, Parental Investment, and Children’s Academic Achievement: A Prospective Analysis. Journal of Family Issues, Vol. 22 No. 1, 27 …show more content…
Williams, James Herbert. 2000. African-American Family Structure: Are There Differences in Social, Psychological, and Economic Well-Being? Journal of Family Issues, Vol. 21 No. 7, 838 – 857.
This study addresses the research questions: 1) What are the various types of family structures that exist in urban African American households and 2) to what extent to differences in family structure influence social, psychological, and economic well-being as reported by urban African American women. The results indicate that family structure has more influence on African American women’s economic well-being than do social and psychological factors.
The research that I have provides evidence to support my thesis in that there is much data that points to the psychological effects of poverty on black males that separates them from the family. There is also much data to show that absence of male role models in the home lead to poor social skills and academic achievement. I must continue to research this topic and eventually find some journals and articles to either replace or add to the articles which I am using for my