Brandon Tucky
Gen 499
Police brutality is the unlawful use of power, act or authority by the policepersons on the civilians (Russell-Brown 2009). Police brutality is an unfortunate corollary of the dangerous job of protecting society from its worst citizens, an anomaly attributable to the characteristic of individual police officers and the police department (Holmes and Smith, 2008). The actions can be employed with either the use of firearms, other lethal and non-lethal weapons or the improper use of holds or restraining techniques (Belur, 2010). In the United States, the brutality by police officers has been passed on from the time memorial. Police have used forceful methods in trying …show more content…
There is discrimination when it comes to race and class. Though most of the United States population believes that the gap between the rich and the poor has reduced, the treatment given to both group is quite different. The view of the black and Hispanic community is very different from the White about police practices. The rich who live in highly respected estates are always hostile towards when it comes to dealing with the …show more content…
Some report indicated that more than 40% of the total population do not know their rights as human, or they are just naïve. Knowing what you should be exposed to during arrest will help in keeping the police officers on their toes when it comes to respect to the human right. Naivety by the public has led to a significant number of cases that involves police brutality going unnoticed and this has aid in the spreading of the act by police persons, as they know they can easily get away with it. With some cases going to court and but later the police officer involved released without proper trial, the public pressure on serious actions against the police officers by the court has started to get public attention. The police officers are the law maintenance body in the country, and this has played a major role in most cases missing a strong claim to back them up. When a suspect loses his or her life during or because of arrest, there is a report from the police department about the death. In most cases, the stories are written to try hide the exact cause of death and to protect the office involved. A Proper investigation into the death of the family or medical professions is always interfered with, due to fear of the exact cause of death being exposed. The law implementing body is also not doing enough in trying to lower the rate of police brutality. Some police officers