Police brutality is a very important issue that the American people need to deal with. Police brutality is now a really popular topic, because of cellular devices and other video recording devices. Without those devices police brutality would continue to be swept under the media's rug. America needs to come together as one and make the United States a safer environment for all of its citizens. Police brutality can be prevented and handled by the judicial system. Making new stipulations for the Police department all across the country, such as forcing police officers to take a sensitivity course, requiring officers to wear cameras on themselves when on duty, and having officers take therapy sessions …show more content…
That means that the people who are supposed to keep the city safe are harming the very people they are supposed to protect. Those very people now are hesitant and wary of their police forces. They are afraid to call their police officers to come help because they are frightened of being hurt. Law enforcement officers that are taken to court for committing a murder is less than one percent. Forty three percent of police officers say that always following the rules is not going to get the job done (Copcrisis). Another fifty two percent say they would turn a blind eye to another police officers misconduct (Copcrisis). If the police officers are taking up for their peers when they will do what is right. The very people who are sworn into protecting the common people are saying they would turn a
Johnson …show more content…
Take the case of Freddie Gray who was a black man who was fatally wounded in police custody. Gray while in police custody asked for medical attention many times. The police officers ignored him and strapped him up in the back of a police van. Later that day an ambulance is required at the police department about an unconscious man. Gray arrived at the hospital and was diagnosed with shock trauma after he suffered with broken vertebrae. Gray stayed in the hospital for a week until he passed away from his wounds. Another example case is the case of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager who was shot down in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown was stopped by Officer Darren Wilson, a white Ferguson Police officer. Several reports say Brown was shot with his hand up in surrender. Officer Wilson shot Mr. Brown ten plus times in what he says were self-defense. This police officer who's had training is afraid for his life by an eighteen year old teenager. That is not believable that police officers are so called trained professionals but are trigger happy when they are faced with an unarmed black