Michael Brown and Eric Garner Cases? In today’s society, many things are developing and changing, such as strategies in law enforcement, as well as what is important to cover on media and whether it is the full story or not to gain more popularity on that broadcast. There has been an uprise in the amount of cases involving police officers shooting someone without probable cause, physically assaulting someone, etc. that is being presented on the news. One such cases was the Michael Brown case. In the Michael Brown case, there is not just one side to the story. Michael Brown was unarmed at the time of the shooting, which is where it gets a bit sidetracked in the officer’s side of the story. Wilson, the officer who had shot Brown, was heard saying by a witness, “I’m going to shoot,” and then fired instantaneously, as said by Johnson (McLaughlin 2014). Belmar, the St. Louis Police Chief, had claimed that the investigation showed the officer was trying to get out of his vehicle, but Brown pushed him back in as they struggled over the officer’s weapon (McLaughlin 2014). In this case, Brown was shot without a cause, whether this is what the officer intended or not. Brown lost his life because of an officer’s …show more content…
Teaching an officer when to use their gun, how far away would be considered appropriate to use their weapon, what type of weapon should they use with certain distances, etc. With this knowledge, we could help our officers better protect themselves from either far away distances or up front. If someone is coming at you from fifteen feet away with a knife, what can you do when they charge at you? There are many different ways an officer could approach this situation, but instinct tells us “grab your gun.” However, grabbing your gun is not always the best option, as grabbing it can lessen your time to react and actually prevent from being