These dog breeds have not been bred to be …show more content…
There are many ways in which people tend to abuse of animals. An example is neglect, meaning that between a pet and the owner there is a “failure to provide an animal with the most basic of requirements of food, water, shelter and veterinary care” (What). Dogfighting is another example. Dogfights are events when two dogs are put inside a fighting pit and are forced to fight until the other one is dead or is too weak to fight back. The fights are brutal and the owners abandon the loosing dogs with only a couple more hours to live because of its deadly injuries or inhumanly kill the dogs themselves. The winning dog owner gets a money price. Most of the dogs that are considered to not be good enough to be entered in the pit and be victorious are used as bait to train other dogs or as breeding dogs where they are constantly exploited. All of these actions that people inflict on the animals can make them become very scared of humans, other dogs and their surroundings causing them to be very