December 12, 2011
Com 088
Illegal Immigration
Illegal immigration is something that the U.S. Government has been struggling with for several years now. Illegal Immigration is an alien (non-citizen) who has entered the United States without government permission or stayed beyond the termination date of a visa. Undocumented immigrants are exploiting the United States' economy. This is a serious problem that has to be addressed as soon as possible. Immigration is affecting the quality of life for all American citizens, and it should not be tolerated in the United States. Illegal immigration can be detrimental to the United States for a numerous amount of reasons. One of them is overpopulation this can cause pollution, water crisis and poverty. The United States has quadrupled the number of people living here in the past century. Due to overpopulation natural resources are being depleted, and our environment is being used beyond its limits. Immigration also cripples the U.S. economy, because of the aliens coming to our country working and sending most of that money back home to help their family. They are not putting any money back into our country. In …show more content…
Many illegal immigrants got into the United States using fraudulent documents they tend to find under the table jobs. Which means they work and their employer gives them cash (tax free money) instead of a check or direct deposit? False documentation can cost the U.S. Government because of all of the identity thief that comes with illegal immigration. They have fraudulent documents such as counterfeit Social Security cards, driver’s licenses, fake “green cards,” and phony birth certificates. Illegal immigrants often receive healthcare benefits, food stamps and housing assistance. Such benefits can be used for Americans that are here legally and really need