Do you really want to let them keep living the way they are when they fight for you? I for one do not but we cant help them when there’s more refugees coming into our country everyday trying to take down what we have built and become over years and decades. On the other hand, most refuges do not have bad intentions.
Some just want to start over and have a good life without having to worry about their families 24/7 and have to work in dangerous jobs just trying to make a living for maybe a dollar an hour. Some risk their lives to come over to our country for a better life they drown trying to swim over here, refugees from all over ride in the trunks of cars or tunnel over the border and died or starve. Could you imagine you having to go thru that to try and provide for yourself plus others.
In conclusion, it’s anyone’s argument, but I say no because that’s just a risk we can not afford to take.
We need to help ourselves before we help anyone