Person centred practice is providing a level of care to a client who has control in how their life is lived. As an individual it is there right to choose what they do or have done for them, and be able to make every day decisions that support’s their needs. Person centred is based on the positives for the client rather than the negatives, this is to achieve an outcome which can only promote independence for the client and make them achieve their aims and goals. Families play a role in adding pacific information about the client with a life history and general information to put with the clients wishes which will then form a care plan.
The client should be listened to and given respect and understanding, and be treated as an individual who has control of their destiny. Care staff should get to know the clients wishes and respect their choices and needs.
Karen has seen the new care plans that I have personally detailed on each of my clients more information on the care plans is detailed below in questions 1.2
In recent years all disabled people have been cared for in the way that was best for the home, and all treated as a group of disabled people, and all decisions were made by the care team who dealt with the illness instead of the person. Today changes have taken place to ensure clients have the power to initiate their own care needs and have a say in how they want to live there life. By setting up a system with all personnel involved the client can put across their views and aims and put this into practice. Within our home setting every client is treated as an individual and has a care plan set up to centre around there needs. Input would come from outside agencies i.e. doctors, nurses, occupational therapy and any specialist associated with the client, family would help with a life history and any information deemed of a help to the client, carers would give an input into