According to The District Court of Kemba M. Wood, Jr., the commercial was simply an advertisement not constituting any offer. It also held that the commercial was not a means to “reward” which could result in a contract through the unilateral action of the offeree. Furthermore there was no offer to which the objective offeree could respond, as the commercial was made in “jest.” Subsequently the additional discovery of any evidence would not be allowed. Consequently, in the State of New York there was no contract satisfying requirements of the New York Statute of frauds; and under this law, the viewer did not state a claim of fraud under New …show more content…
Hypothetically speaking, would a reasonable person conclude that the parties intended to create a contract after considering a) the words and conduct of the parties and b) the surrounding circumstances? For example, no valid contract can result from an offer that is made in jest, anger, or undue excitement. In the case Leonard v. PepsiCo, the lawsuit could not be considered a contract/agreement of any sort once either the conduct of PepsiCo or the surrounding circumstances were taken into consideration. According to the requirements for establishing a valid contract, the PepsiCo advertisement was not valid as these elements did not