In the Case of the Gotham Gardens, the specific ethical issue is that the company is withholding information from the public. As a working developer, it is my job is to build good credibility within the community. Although, my supervisor requested to have me not include information from the EPA reports about the landfill history;I have decided to include the information about the landfill history anyways. This decision is based upon the PRSA code of ethics and my own ethical reasoning. I feel that I am obligated to include the information about the landfill history, despite the consequences of going against work orders. Based on the PRSA code of ethics I have concluded that it is my obligation as a member to stay …show more content…
As the insider, working developer, I have weighed out both outcomes of whether to follow through with my supervisor’s request to include information about the landfill history or not. I found that there is more implications and negative consequences if I choose to not inform the public about the landfill history. Loyalty to the company is still at high priority for me, but so is my loyalty to the public. I feel that it should be in the company’s best interest to maintain loyalty to the public’s interest. According to the PRSA code of ethics, under “Disclosure of Information”- it states that the intent of a PR member is: “to build trust with the public by revealing all information needed for responsible decision making.” By withholding information about the landfill history it violates PRSA code of ethics. If we want our company to remain credible, we must follow through on our PRSA standards, in order to show the public that we are on their side. This will create community, respect, and trust, that will help increase customer satisfaction, and also keep maintain loyal members. I see that there is conflict between my loyalty to the company and my loyalty to the public, as my supervisor wants to