In chapter 7, when Ikemefuna was killed, Okonkwo did not think of it as a mistake but it was more along the lines of his stubbornness taking over. He thought about how he would look in front of the men rather than keep the one he cared about close to him. The fact that he does not want to let go of his father’s image of being weak and turning out to be similar to Unoka is what drove him to kill Ikemefuna. Even though Okonkwo and Alfred Jodl share these similarities, they both have their differences too. Alfred Jodl was not a man of action. He actually liked to work behind the scenes. For example, he would not physically kill people or hostages during the war. Alfred was more prone to sentencing and signing orders for a person’s death. On the contrary, Okonkwo liked taking action and was much more extreme. At the end of chapter 22, the people of Umuofia had burned down the church. Continuing onto the beginning of chapter 23, Okonkwo was described as being happy for the first time in many years. Even though his idea was more extreme, like killing the missionaries, he was satisfied for now with the destruction of the…
Whenever Ezeudu, a regarded senior in Umuofia, educated Okonkwo that the town Oracle required the slaughtering of Okonkwo's received child Ikemefuna, he requested that Okonkwo not partake. Be that as it may, Okonkwo went with them, as well as he struck the murdering blow as Ikemefuna gotten out for his insurance. At the point when Okonkwo is later addressed by his companion, Obierika, about not taking an interest, Okonkwo wound up noticeably guarded saying, " You sound as if you question the authority and decision of the Oracle, who said he should…
Okonkwo believes that not following orders is a sign of weakness and that one should do whatever it takes to not display weakness. When Okonkwo is told that Ikemefuna must die to no display weakness, Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna, and this is shown when “ Okonkwo drew his machete and cut him down. He was afraid of being thought weak”(61). This shows how Okonkwo would go to the extreme to not be displayed as weak. When Okonkwo confronts Obeirka about not coming to Ikemefuna’s death he says, “ you sound as if your question the authority and the decision of the Oracle, who said he should die”, to which Obeirka replied by saying “I do not, why should I? But the Oracle did not ask me to carry out this decision”(66). This shows Okonkwo confronts others…
The passage above gives us insight into the character of Ikemefuna. The men, using a simile, agreed that he was “as sharp as razor,” implying that he was always on top of things and takes things very seriously. With that, Ikemefuna displays some of the same characteristics as Okonkwo. According to Obierika, he “hardly ever walks,” and is, “always in a hurry.” Ikemefuna, no matter what the errand was, would do it as if he was in a hurry. Obierika also says that, “he flies away before he has heard half the message,” showing that Ikemefuna was a fast paced boy. This passage gives us insight into the character of Ikemefuna by giving us the information that he was a smart boy, as well as fast paced. He would do what he was told and would do it…
Although believed solely to represent his fall to weakness, Okonkwo’s suicide has far-reaching consequences for his tribe and culture.…
During the week of peace, “He walked back to his obi to await Ojiugo’s return. And when she returned he beat her very heavily. In his anger he had forgotten that it was the Week of Peace. His first two wives ran out in great alarm pleading with him that it was the sacred week. But Okonkwo was not the man to stop beating somebody half-way through, not even for fear of a goddess”(29-30). Okonkwo rampages during the week of peace and beats his wife painfully. He does not want to appear weak in front of the other men and so he beats his wives and acts impulsively. Due to his fear of being seen as weak, Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna "Dazed with fear, Okonkwo drew his machete and cut him down. He was afraid of being thought weak." (61). The way he kills Ikemefuna shows that reputation is more important than a child’s life. Okonkwo's actions depict how anxiety has overtaken him. Rather than coping with his fear, he allows it to dominate him and drive his actions. Okonkwo's apprehension permits him to acquire respect from the Igbo society, simply because it persuades him to show improvement over any other…
With Okonkwo’s ideas, the people of Umuofia would not have been taken over in such a manner, Okonkwo is very aggressive and fearless and would definitely have lead the tribe to war if need be. However, the tribe is now weak and only after the Christians have unmasked and killed an egwuwu did they react with any sort of force. After this act of force Okonkwo and five other men were called by the Commissioner and imprisoned; these men were beaten, starved, and dehumanized for days. Their release was only allowed when the tribe paid a hefty fine and after this abuse, the tribe failed to stand up against measly messengers. After killing a messenger and seeing the weakness of his tribe Okonkwo commits suicide tarnishing his…
Throughout the novel, Okonkwo treats most of the people harshly, however, Ikemefuna, a boy he takes into his family, and his daughter Ezinma are probably the only characters whom he treats kindly. Although Ikemefuna is not a member of his family Okonkwo felt that "his son's development was due to Ikemefuna" (37) and felt proud when the two boys "sat with him in his obi" (37). Although, he strikes Ikemefuna down when the clan orders him killed it is not because of hatred but because "he was afraid of being thought weak" (43). Ezinma is Okonkwo's favorite daughter and the only child of Ekwefi, is bold in the way that she approachesand even sometimes contradictsher father. Okonkwo remarks to himself multiple times that he wishes she "should have been a boy" (45), since he considers her to have such a masculine spirit. As well, he and she are very similar in their characteristics, which are shown during Okonkwo's exile when Ezinma agrees to put off marriage until her family returns from exile so as to help her father leverage his…
One cultural collisions that Okonkwo faced was the time he had to kill his son for that he would not seem weak. Okonkwo knew that he had to kill Ikemefuna because that is what one of their cultural beliefs were. In the text it says “As the man who had cleared his throat drew up and raised his machete, Okonkwo looked away. He heard the blow. He heard Ikemefuna cry, “My father, they have killed me!” as he ran towards him. Dazed with fear, Okonkwo drew his machete and cut him down. He was afraid of being thought weak.” This text shows us the cultural collision he faced because Okonkwo did not want to do it, but he was feared of being thought weak in front of the Ibo society so he did the final blow to his son.…
Throughout Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo's actions take place because he is afraid of becoming "A Woman" like his father. Not only does he act masculine to appear manly to the villagers, he does it to satisfy his own conscious. Okonkwo portrays a short temper in this book. Small things such as his supper being late and remarks about his hunting anger him, and lead to his beating of his wives and his son Nwoya. His desire to appear manly often fogged his judgment. When the time came to kill Ikemefuna, the boy who called him father, he was told by his best friend that he should not take part in this because the boy looked up to him. Okonkwo knew his friend was right. When he, Ikemefuna and other leaders of the tribe went to the woods to carry out the task, Okonkwo did not want the other men to think that he was weak so he cut down his own son. Okonkwo's actions were also motivated by the fear that his whole village would become weak. After returning from his exile in Mbanta, Okonkwo realized that the Christians were taking over. Unlike the rest of his tribe he wanted to go to war with them and drive them out. Soon he realized that during his seven years in exile Umuofia had changed and no longer was feared tribe it used to be. Okonkwo continued to fight the inevitable. His actions were never able to help his village; his worst fear had come true, they had become weak.…
Ikemefuna was a teenage boy that Okonkwo took temporary possession of after a settlement with a neighboring clan. Okonkwo and his family created a close bond with the boy, which is significant because Okonkwo rarely ever has an attachment to people. One day it is determined that one of the local gods wants the foreign boy killed. Despite urgings from his neighbor, Okonkwo went with the men to kill Ikemefuna to avoid appearing unmanly. When the village men began to attack the unsuspecting boy he ran towards Okonkwo for help, Okonkwo instead cuts down the boy, once again to avoid appearing weak. Although Okonkwo appears stoic at first, he falls into a deep depression when he returns home saying to himself, "'When did you become a shivering old woman, you, who are known in all the nine villages for your valor in war? How can a man who has killed five men in battle fall to pieces because he has added a boy to their number? Okonkwo, you have become a woman indeed.'" Although Okonkwo's actions seem unforgivable, especially by western standards, he is clearly suffering a deep moral conflict as a result of those…
He heard Ikemefuna cry, “My father, they have killed me!” as he ran towards him dazed with fear, Okonkwo drew his machete and cut him down” (Achebe 61) Okonkwo had just slaughtered his own son because with his position of power he didn’t want to be considered weak so he did something that no one would ever imagine doing because he wanted to be seen as stronger with power. Overall, yourself integrity and morals can be destroyed by committing these acts that are consumed by…
On Okonkwo’s return to Umuofia after his exile, he meets a different Umuofia that is being controlled by the white men from Europe and a Umuofia that is drifting to Christianity “The church had led many astray…the white men had also brought a government”. He is furious and enraged at the fact that Umuofia does not fight back “He had spoken violently…on their action” (Achebe, 108) he makes this point known at the meeting of the elders, and offers a solution to kill the white man. When the people of Umuofia do not yield his advice he follows his emotions and commits suicide. Okonkwo did not think logically about this because if he had, he would have seen a perspective where his death does not solve the problem of colonization, or his death causing Umuofia to go to war. From Okonkwo’s story, it is clear how solving a problem two different ways leads to two different…
First, one of Okonkwo’s major weak points was his family. He tried not to let it show, but he cared deeply for his family. For example, when Ikemefuna was introduced into Okonkwo’s life, Okonkwo immediately grew a stronger bond with Ikemefuna than he had with his real children. After raising Ikemefuna for three years, Okonkwo was told Ikemefuna must be killed. Not only did he agree to it but he took part in the brutal murder. On page 61, Achebe writes, “Okonkwo drew his machete and cut him down. He was afraid of being thought weak.” Although he loved Ikemefuna like his own son, he killed Ikemefuna to avoid being thought of as weak by his fellow clansmen. Another example of Okonkwo’s weakness when it came to his family was when he followed Ekwefi, Enzima and Chielo to the shrine. He wanted to ensure his daughter and wife’s safety. On page 112, Achebe says, “He allowed what he regarded as a reasonable and manly interval to pass and then gone with his machete to the shrine.”…
“Okonkwo did not taste any food for two days after the death of Ikemefuna. He drank palm-wine from morning till night, and his eyes were red and fierce like the eyes of a rat when it was caught by the tail and dashed against the floor.” (46) Some major consequences Okonkwo must deal with after killing the boy he once looked upon as a son, is losing the trust of his first-born son, Nwoye, and having to live with the guilt of killing Ikemefuna. This guilt caused Okonkwo to feel weak, something he never wanted to…