A guilty conscience contributes to the emotional and cognitive state one experiences when they have done something culpable or immoral. Commonly referred to as a ‘bothered conscience’, guilt sinks deep into our subconscious and manifests as anxious thoughts (Edward 3). Throughout the novel both characters portray their dreams as distressed emotions. Raskolnikov created the ‘Extraordinary Man’ in order to justify his killings, and Svidrigailov killed himself over his anxiety of his dreams. A person’s action and circumstances mediate between them and the emotion which locates differently between emotion and the major concepts that constitute these beliefs. As revealed by Sigmund Freud, guilt can be a powerful explanatory concept, to the idea of pairing guilt and shame (Deigh 427). If one has staked their identity on being a member of society and attributed their worth to the membership, the shortcoming they experience comes as a serious blow to their pride and
A guilty conscience contributes to the emotional and cognitive state one experiences when they have done something culpable or immoral. Commonly referred to as a ‘bothered conscience’, guilt sinks deep into our subconscious and manifests as anxious thoughts (Edward 3). Throughout the novel both characters portray their dreams as distressed emotions. Raskolnikov created the ‘Extraordinary Man’ in order to justify his killings, and Svidrigailov killed himself over his anxiety of his dreams. A person’s action and circumstances mediate between them and the emotion which locates differently between emotion and the major concepts that constitute these beliefs. As revealed by Sigmund Freud, guilt can be a powerful explanatory concept, to the idea of pairing guilt and shame (Deigh 427). If one has staked their identity on being a member of society and attributed their worth to the membership, the shortcoming they experience comes as a serious blow to their pride and