Antigones’ family history didn’t only affect her its most of the reason why her brothers ended up the way they did. Antigones’ value of family outweighed her value of the law and respecting her soon- to – be father in laws wishes. For many now, the law may outweigh the other values. Another huge factor in Antigone killing herself was that both her parents did also. Which even today may not be too far off. When things become a “norm” in our personal environment it makes it easier for us when situations fall into place for us to choose certain actions over
Antigones’ family history didn’t only affect her its most of the reason why her brothers ended up the way they did. Antigones’ value of family outweighed her value of the law and respecting her soon- to – be father in laws wishes. For many now, the law may outweigh the other values. Another huge factor in Antigone killing herself was that both her parents did also. Which even today may not be too far off. When things become a “norm” in our personal environment it makes it easier for us when situations fall into place for us to choose certain actions over