Is life really about the money, who drives the shiniest or fastest car, who sells the most albums or about who is the most materialistic? Today happiness is viewed in many different ways. Everyone defines happiness according to their personal perspectives. Each individual describes their inner feelings in a way that you can't compare with another. Happiness originally and logically means the inner state of wellbeing or a pleasurable or satisfying experience. It enables you to profit from your highest: thoughts, wisdom, intelligence, common sense, emotions, health, and spiritual values in your life. What makes you happy and what makes me happy are different things. This difference is what makes the world interesting.
Most of the happiness that we experience comes from the feeling of love. So many people look to their love relationships, especially marriage to give them the happiness that they cannot find on their own. Love is not enough to provide happiness. The belief that love guarantees happiness is left over from the ideology of romantic love, it tells us that we will live happily ever after if we can only find the right person with whom to spend the rest of our life with.
We need to remember that we are a part of the human race and that we can only be satisfied if we are surrounded by other people. If you were to remove all the people from a person’s life, they would have a sad, tragic and lonely life. They would be free of judgement, but also free of friendship, there would be no consequences, but life would never excite them and they would never have to deal with others problems, but they would never be able to share their problems with others. You need family, friends, even acquaintances to achieve happiness, these connections are a vital part of your wellbeing. Although a person can achieve a state of temporary happiness living a life that is favourable to that individual, you can only attain a permanent