CDP is important in coaching because practice and experiences beyond basic knowledge develops expertise. Increasing skill level promotes confidence, allowing you to deal more effectively with more situations and provides a wider range of skills, tools, and techniques to draw upon.
A coach could develop their expertise; 1) By attending conferences, meetings, classes and workshops directly related to coaching as well as to their niche.
2) By subscribing and keeping up to date with articles, books, and other publications that explain and explore new findings about coaching, and their niche.
3) By enrolling a mentor to help pull together learning, as well as learning from their successes by modelling.
4) By building a network both in and outside of coaching which can provide camaraderie, new perspectives and problem solving assistance.
5) By reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of the coaching given through their own assessments and also any feedback obtained.
3. You reach a point with your client in which it is agreed that they require specialist advice and to continue coaching would not be appropriate at this stage. How do you proceed?
I would spend some time asking the client what sort of specialist help they would think is appropriate for their situation, and which of those options they might prefer. Once broken down to specifics they could determine how and when they would approach such a specialist, and possibly set this as a new goal.
Describe how the GROW model is used in the coaching process.
Include a supporting rationale and set of 5 questions for each of its stages.
The GROW (Goal, Reality, Options, Will) model is in essence a coaching tool used to structure a coaching conversation which both helps set goals effectively and is a problem solving process. The coaching