Growth and development through self-activity is Nature's greastest miracle.
Man creates himself according to the laws of growth and development.
It is only a cycle in which both adults and children take their places. The child is the constructor and maker of the adult man. The child is the father of the man.
In the pre-natal period the child has established all the vital organs which after birth are developed enough for survival.
In a parallel manner the foundations of the psychic life have been established.
Though there has been much development in the pre-natal period, the development of a child during the first 3 years after birth is unequalled in intensity and importance than any period that preceeds or follows the rest of the child's life.
The natural development of children proceeds through several distinct planes of development, each one having its own unique conditions and sensitive periods for acquiring basic faculties in the developmental process. The first plane (ages 0–6) involves basic personality formation and learning through physical senses. During this plane, children experience sensitive periods for acquiring language, refinement of the senses, movement and order.[29] The second plane of development (6–12) involves learning through abstract reasoning, developing through a sensitivity for imagination and social interaction with others. The third plane (12–18) is the period of adolescent growth, involving the significant biological changes of puberty, moving towards learning a valuation of the human personality, especially as related to experiences in the surrounding community. The fourth plane (18+), involves a completion of all remaining development in the process of maturing in adult society.[ • The young child (0–6) has an absorbent mind which naturally incorporates experiences in the environment directly into its whole basic character and personality for life. This mental faculty, which is