The Presidential Election of 1986 between the Republican William McKinley and Democrat William Jennings Bryan, is thought to be one of the most impressive and complicated presidential elections in all of American History. One of the major highlights of the election was William Jennings Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” speech that sparked the people’s interest for the Democratic representative. This speech not only had a firm and well defined meaning, but its delivery was also delivered superbly. The speech itself was concerned with many problems, such as growing class divisions that later were the cause of many violent outbursts among the people. Money was the most prominent concern for the people in 1896 because of high employment rates and the fact that they were recovering from a few years of depression. The…
Although I only officially became President of Van Horn’s National Honor Society in May; I’ve already learned more about being a leader within the community. Community, service, leadership and scholarship have become permanent fixtures in my life. As President I have also become closer to my community and my fellow classmates.…
The National Honor Society in Tatum is full of the brightest and most intelligent students in our school. Being a member of Tatum’s NHS would be a great honor. I believe that NHS will benefit me in various ways, and I will also benefit NHS in many ways.…
The four pillars of National Honor Society – character, leadership, scholarship, and service – are the attributes that define the society’s members. Therefore, all pillars are important for students to follow, so that they may benefit the world and make a difference. Character, for instance, is the product of relentlessly striving to make the right choices, one after the other. Furthermore, young leaders displaying initiative, self-sacrifice, determination, and confidence can lead anything to greatness.…
Johnson uses several key elements of a great speech to target his audience. One of the key elements he uses are powerful metaphors and paints vivid imagery. In the speech at the University of Michigan, Johnson says several metaphors and vivid imagery. One of the first is “I have come today from the turmoil of your capital to the tranquility of you campus to speak about the future of your country.” He is making a comparison to the nation's capital to the university campus and connecting to the audience. He goes on to say, The Great Society rests on abundance and liberty for all. This gives the Great Society a physical feature that can be felt, seen, and weighed. He is describing a solid foundation, which most believe is important for all things…
The Cross of Gold is a speech that was delivered by William Jennings. It symbolized,…
The Cornerstone Speech was a speech held by the American Vice president of southernmost states of the USA, Alexander Stephens at the Athenaeum in Savannah, Georgia, on March 21, 1861. The speech was delivered on the basis of the USA's desire to put an end to slavery. However, Stephens and the southern states believed that the economy was based on slave labor and therefore an end to slavery be bad for the US economy. The language of the speech is very old-fashioned and difficult to understand because it is from 1861. The speech appeal to the southern citizens, who are like Stephens believes that slavery is good for the American society.…
As a member of the National Honor Society (NHS), you must posses the four essential qualities, Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. It is not only a privilege, but an honor, to be acknowledged as a member of the NHS. If accepted, not only would I be a valuable asset, but I would help pave the way for others and set a good example for those in training.…
Assignment Institutional affiliation Date Slavery was a major issue that separated the Northern and Southern States. The documents provided a better overview of how a leadership could affect the people of a given country. The Cornerstone speech became so known for Stephens’s declaration that the perpetuation of slavery was the main goal and objective of the succession and the confederacy. Based to his own argument, he articulated that the government was founded based to this idea.…
The four pillars of the National Honor Society; scholarship, leadership, character, and service are the four qualities of a well-rounded individual. They have not only embodied who I strive to be, but have helped me achieve success and impact throughout my local community and my time as a national honor society member. Scholarship has helped me define not only who I am as a student, but has helped me prepare for my future. Without my drive to maintain my academics and pursue knowledge, I would not have discovered my love and passion for teaching. This newly discovered passion has helped me narrow down my future career, special education. Service, has helped me develop one of my individual characteristics, as I now understand the importance…
“The hardest obstacle to overcome in any leadership position is getting past the apathy to get people involved in the process to get things done…The greatest enemy to accomplishment is apathy” (Burke). National Honor Society upholds its members to have 4 important values. These being scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Leadership, in my opinion, is a very important aspect in National Honors Society because you are expected to be a role model by positively inspiring people around you. This quote stuck out because it says that inspiring people is a way to overcome obstacles in leadership. If you inspire people and make them get rid of their apathy, you can overcome stalling in the process and reach accomplishment.…
The “Declaration of the Kind Addressed to All the French About His Flight from Paris” on June 21, 1971, has a pretty straightforward title because this document is just that. The previous day the king and his family had tried to escape France, only to be discovered a day’s journey away from the border. In this speech, possibly given by an announcer on the square due to its lack of first person pronouns, the king gives his point of view about what he thinks about France, where it is heading, and what has happened. He tries to explain why he left.…
I selected a speech that was given by Manal- Al Sharif. The speech was entitled “A Saudi woman who dared to drive”. The speech was delivered sometime in June 2013. It was presented in a worldwide set of conferences referred to as TED (Technology, Environment, and Design) conference. TED provides live streaming of dialogues and address an extensive array of topics within the practice of science, culture and research. The speech was about promoting the rights of women to drive, family protection, and male protection cancelation in Saudi Arabia. The speech intended to portray the truth as it actually is on the ground and the role of women who want to bring about change in…
The National Honor Society is a society for leaders and has been established since 1921 .I too, am a leader in society and feel that my leadership accomplishments and goals would reflect off NHS. It is a privilege to receive an invitation to become part of the academic leaders of Willingboro High School. I would love to be a part of the National Honor Society because it will give me more opportunities to be a leader, participate in community service, and to help and influence the people around me. As you see, the goals of the NHS and my goals are both similar. I would be proud to be a member of the NHS and would serve the Society to the best of my ability. When I received the invitation, it gave me a new insight of my projects, worksheets,…
National Honor Society continues to shape me into an independent, self-sufficient young adult. The four pillars play an important role in my life no matter where I am. For example, whether I’m at work, in school, or on the basketball court, scholarship, service, leadership, and character transform me into a compassionate leader. Furthermore, National Honor Society will also continue to lead me through the rest of my life. As I head off to college, I will always have the traditional values of the four pillars to lean on. While studying in the field of nursing, I can take what I learned and apply it to my everyday life, even when helping others. Hopefully if I am successful, my leadership will rub off on others, transforming their lives as I…