I believe that leadership is not just a common list of attributes that can be easily described. It is so much more: to me, personally, leadership has so many influences in life that I could go on forever listing them. One of the Leadership qualities, that I strongly believe in is encouragement. The person who encourages you to go the extra mile, the one who cheers you on, supports you through adversity.However, Leadership does not just stop at encouragement,it continues to go on impacting all other aspects of life. For example, leadership is volunteering at a local organization or it could be just holding the door for someone. The meaning of leadership is an eternity of commitment. I have experienced …show more content…
It isn’t something that you should be forced to do, but something you are honored to do. Even though, at times, it may not be the “coolest” thing in the world to be doing, you know you are giving back to someone who is need. To me personally there is not a better feeling in the world than knowing you have helped someone. A few ideas that have come to mind for community service projects are those that are close to home for me. When my Grandma, a quite outgoing and active woman, was in a nursing home, she was bored because the nursing home she resided in lacked activities for the residents to engage in. I know this idea may be cliche, however, I know if we would plan an activity such as an art project in a local nursing home, as a community service project it will be not only rewarding, but heartwarming for both the students and the residents. If the Appleton North National Honor Society, would do this as a project, it would create long lasting friendships and something for the residents to look forward too, especially if we did it on a long term basis. I have participated in several community service activities such as a Vacation Bible School leader and a basketball camp counselor. However, one of my favorites would be participating in the Miracle League of the Fox Valley. The Miracle League is a baseball organization for kids ages 4-19 with physical and or mental disabilities. In the Miracle League I’m volunteer buddy. It brings me such joy, to just have the opportunity to go out and help out during the summer for about one hour in half for eight weeks. Throughout, my several community service experiences, the traits I have gained are phenomenal. I’d have to say during my week of Vacation Bible School patience was definitely gained, as I was a group leader for two very outgoing boys who always had a tendency to misbehave. However at the end of my Vacation