MPTP is a form of synthetic analog drug that is only obtainable illegally. Demerol, also known as MPPP or MPTP is an analog of fentanyl and meperidine. When ingested, MPTP metabolizes into a reactive molecule in the brain that selectively destroys neurons containing dopamine, which found in the motor regions of the basal ganglia. Gradual neuronal degeneration is the result of Parkinson’s disease found in aging individuals however, the consumption of MPTP dramatically accelerates this process in the course of days and not years (Hanson et al., 2015).
Additionally consumption results in a reduction of glutathione content (Sian et al., 1999).
What have been good and bad consequences of the synthesis of MPTP?
MPTP negatively affects the body by penetrating the blood-brain barrier and entering the brain cells. MPTP is not toxic, however when it oxidizes it forms MPP+ which is toxic. Toxic oxidation later reaches the extracellular fluid and gets transported by the dopamine neurons transporter into the dopamine neurons nerve terminals (Sian et al., 1999). In 1976, a drug addict attempted to make a drug similar to meperidine, however he failed in making the proper chemical synthesis …show more content…
Gary Henderson. In general, the drug is created to evade legal boundaries and are used recreationally. They are a synthesized form of legal substances often created by novice chemists (Buchanan et al., 1988). The relation between designer drugs, narcotics, and Parkinson’s disease is that each one greatly influences the other in terms of risks. Both designer drugs and narcotics cause a depression of the central nervous system and are addictive. Any depression of the CNS regardless of how severe will cause adverse reactions. Additionally each person’s sensitivity level is different. Alteration of the sensors in the CNS can further lead to irreversible medical problems and diseases such as