Carlos Gonzalez
In the novel Great Expectaions Miss Havisham is an upper class woman who lives by Pips village in Kent. Miss Havisham has lived a very sad and isolated life where her only perferred company is her adopted daughter, Estella, who Miss Havisham has raised to hate the opposite sex. Miss Havisham started her own Isolation after being stuck up at her own wedding by a man who worked with her brother to steal her shares in a brewery.
After the event she was left robbet and heart-broken. In an attempt to get at the man who left her, she made it her mission in life to hate men. Her Obsession got to the point where she hired a local boy, our Protagonist, Pip to play around with her daughter and to be heart …show more content…
I believe that after she got Pip to forgive her, she felt that she was done with life and decided to end it. Dickens included it to almost show Miss Havisham as a dying ember, and she wanted to end her misery by lighting herself aflame. What I Don`t unterstand is why did Dickens let her live. I feel that she would be much happier by ending her life right there as opposed to liveing the erst of her short life in a vegetative bedridden state.
The symbolic purpose that the fire served was to show how Miss Havisham is best represented a dying Flame. After the incident at her wedding she "burnt" any men that came to her and like any fire, she was going to die out. Also like fire, she caught on to those that surrounded her, like Estella. Estella is almost the physical embodiment of Miss Havishams hatred towards men, as Estella Says that because of Miss Havisham, she can no longer fall in love or love others.
The Fire was started by Miss Havisham trying to commit suicide after apologizing to Pip for the bad things she did to him, but failed in her attemp by Pip`s rescue. She was a bad person because of her past with men. Dickens included this in the novel to show how her life is like a Flame. The Symbolic purpose of the fire was to show how Miss Havisham`s life was going to end like a dying