Professor George Stonehouse
PhD by publication
Napier University, Edinburgh
August 2008
Table of Contents Page No.
By i
Professor George Stonehouse i
PhD by publication i
Napier University, Edinburgh i
August 2008 i
Table of Contents i Page No. i
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements v
1.1 Introduction 1
Table 1: PhD Articles: Methodology and Methods, Contribution and related thesis chapters 3
1.2 Strategic Management 4
Strategic management is still in the early stages of its development as an academic discipline. Although there is no single agreed definition of the term ‘strategic management’, and there is much disagreement about its scope, it can be broadly conceptualised as a set of theories and frameworks through which managers can envision and plan for the long term future of the organisation as a whole. Despite the lack of consensus on its definition, there is considerable agreement on the core activities involved in ‘doing’ strategy (McKiernan, 1997; Mintzberg et al., 1998a, Stonehouse et al., 2004). Strategic management, or strategising as it is sometimes called today, incorporates several interlinked activities including strategic thinking, strategic learning, strategic planning, and strategy implementation, review and adaptation. 4
1.3 Knowledge, Learning, Creativity and Strategy 5
1.4 The Organisational Dimension 5
1.5 Research Context 6
1.6 Overview of Publications 6
1.7 Research Aim and Objectives 7
1.8 Overview of Submission Document 8
Chapter 2 10
Research Methodology 10
2.1 Introduction 10
2.2 Research Philosophy, Epistemology and Ontology 11
2.3 Mode 2 Research and its Methodological Implications 12
2.4 Research Methods 14
2.5 Conclusions 15
Chapter 3 16
Nature and
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