M2- Describe how three key professionals could be involved in planning support for individuals.
In this assignment I will be identifying the processed and assessment tools involved in planning support for individuals with different needs who use social service. I will also be describing how three key professionals could be involved in planning support for individuals.
The first stage in the cycle of assessment and planning is the referral in which either the individual or a professional refers you to a specialist. E.g. Physiotherapist or counsellor.
The holistic assessment includes assessing the needs and preferences taken on by the professional by using assessment tools and working closely with the individual.
Identifying current provisions by the professional identifying the resources required to meet individual’s needs
Care plan targets are made to be achieved and professional identifies an individual that can support and empower the client by using appropriate care and ensuring that targets are met.
Recording: professional records which individuals are involved in the care plan. E.g. the main individual, family and professionals.
Communicating: care plan professional ensures that all individuals who are involved receive a copy of the care plan and understand the roles and responsibilities.
Implementation: the professional will notify when the services are available to clients and others involved.
Monitoring: Professional will then discuss with all involved the advantages and disadvantages and the alters that need to be made.
Reviewing: care plan professional will review provision of care alongside the client and others involved and will identify any new targets that are set.
Evaluating: care plan professional and client will decide on a date to analyse and evaluate success of care plan and any changes that