Howard Gardner’s theory talked about multiple intelligences which include linguistic, logical mathematical, musical, spatial, naturalist and bodily – kinaesthetic intelligence. He believed that people only seem to be creative in one or two domains or areas rather than genuinely creative. This is why children benefit better and more positively by encouraging them to be more creative in everything they do.
The Reggio Approach believes that children are driven by curiosity and imagination. Reggio considers early infancy to be a distinct developmental phase in which children demonstrate an extraordinary curiosity about the world. The expressive arts as a vehicle for learning are of central importance in then Reggio Approach. Children are inherently expressive and creative and use their imagination to explore and understand the world they live in. Reggio believes focus can be on the process of learning not the end product.
B.F. Skinner, born on March 20th 1904, was an American behavioural psychologist who carried who carried out many experiments based on how behaviour is shaped and that all humans will regurgitate the things they enjoy doing and avoid those they dislike. He understood that creative people will be rewarded positively in order for that person to take an interest in that particular activity and develop further. He based his theories on self-observation, causing him to support behaviourism, believing that people should be controlled through systematic rewards. Skinner discovered and advanced the “Rate of