The film begins with a long-shot of Juno standing outside of a house with a chair in front of her introducing the surroundings to the viewers. It then showed us a wide angle shot focusing Juno and a chair. The beginning part makes the audience confused to why a chair was outside and why she was focus with the chair. Seeing her standing away from the house makes us think that she is hesitant to the person who lives there because she is looking in that direction, and with the chair in front of her gives us hint that the chair has some story behind it. Shortly after she was drinking a sunny d orange juice in a long distance shot. The way she drinks is informing us that she is an informal person. At first the mise-en-scene has a colour of browns until we see reds on her clothing’s and lips which could symbolize in romance. We then directed to a close up to her “wondering” expression, and the narrative speaks, “It started with a chair,” in this instance viewers will …show more content…
The song that was used for the opening scene is called ‘All I Want Is You’ by Barry Louis Polisar. The music style is telling us the genre and the atmosphere of the film, and the beat of the music is giving us clues the type of person Juno is, it also reflects the theme of the film. The music also tricks the audience believing Juno is going somewhere fun or to meet a friend and is unaware that she is going to the convenience store for a pregnancy test. As she arrives at the store we can hear the music faded away this makes us feel that things are began to become serious which makes us wondering what is going to happen