| |2011 |
|This is a report of the company named JayHsquared which contains decisions made |JayHsquared |
|and the results from these decisions from 2003 to 2011. Written by the president| |
|of the firm to the Directors of Mike’s Bikes. | |
To the Directors of Mike’s Bikes,
JayHsquared is a corporation that was founded in September of 2003, located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. The company is the proud producer of mountain and youth bikes. The mission of the firm is to gain loyal customers by being the lead providers of medium quality bikes at moderate prices. Every year, the decisions made by the management of the firm lead to an increase in the company’s shareholder’s value. This value started at $8.96 in 2004 and it increased to $37.03 by 2011. The cumulative change in SHV was 313%. Our advertising for year 2004 was $1,200,000 and by year 2011 it was $4,400,000. The increases in advertising expenditure also lead to an increase of the firm’s awareness. Our mountain bikes started with an awareness of 0.26 and ended with 0.33. In year 2007, the firm had the choice to launch a new line of youth or road bikes. JayHsquared launched youth bikes as the management believed that there would be a larger market for youth bikes than road bikes. After this opportunity, the firm had the choice to introduce all three lines of bikes; our firm choose to continue focusing only on mountain and youth bikes. Our entire competition introduced all three lines of