Lecture (01) M/W 9:50 am – 11:05 pm, SH C244
Lab (02) M 11:15 am – 1:45 pm; Lab (03) W 11:15 am – 1:45 pm; ASCL 226
Instructor (Lecture): Dr. Moon H. Lee Office Hours: Mon/Wed 8:45 am-9:45 am; 11:15 am – 12:15 pm Office: BIOS 262, Tel: (323) 343-2064, Email: mlee@LABioMed.org
Instructor (Lab): Dr. Hao Howard Xu Office Hours: Mon, 2:40 pm – 4 pm Office: Tel: (323) 343-2188, Email: hxu3@calstatela.edu
Prerequisites: BIOL 100B and CHEM 102
Text: (Lecture) - Microbiology: An Evolving Science 2nd or 3rd edition by Joan Slonczewski and John Foster, W. W. Norton & Company, NY. Available in the University bookstore and a copy is on Limited Loan in the Kennedy Library. To purchase the ebook for selected chapters visit: https://www.wwnorton.com/orders/intellipay/accessPurchase.asp?site=microbio_ebook. (Laboratory) - Microbiology: Laboratory Theory and Application, Third Edition, Michael J. Leboffe, Burton E. Pierce, Morton Publishing Company.
Moodle (https://moodle.calstatela.edu/)
In order to have access to the course materials, online quizzes, and your grading record, you need to get access to Moodle. You need to log on Moodle 2014-2015 (https://moodle-2014-2015.calstatela.edu/) using your myCSULA ID and PW. If you do not have a myCSULA userID, you need to see the ITS Help Desk located on the first floor of the Library. Your lecture instructor will discuss the procedures that you need to follow to have access to pop quizzes, your course grading record, and course materials during the first week of the quarter. All the lecture slides will be posted on Moodle and all course communications will be done at the discussion board on Moodle. Therefore it is important that you PROPERLY establish your userID and get familiar to the contents to utilize the online resources. Students who are not registered for the course will not have access to Moodle