Curtis, E. A., de Vries, J., & Sheerin, F. (2011). Developing leadership in nursing: exploring core…
Sullivan, E. J., (2013). Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing, (8th ed.). Published by Prentice Hall. Retrieved from…
Nurses can exhibit leadership qualities and assume an informal leadership role in numerous ways. While there are several strategies that enable informal nurse leaders to exert leadership even though they are not in a formal leadership role, the author will only concentrate on two. The first strategy exhibited is when a nurse assumes a leadership stance and becomes a change agent. The demand on nurses today is much greater than it has ever been due to staffing constraints, complexity of patient care and governmental requirements imposed in healthcare organizations. Informal leaders recognize real situations and begin looking for solutions to the problems that arise. Often staff members become frustrated and angry when encountering problems but the informal leader takes a stance to evaluate the situation and look for resolution instead of joining in with the complaints and negativity of the staff. This leader can then help the complaining staff redirect this negative energy towards a positive solution and empower the staff to be part of the solution instead of the problem.…
Shirey, M. (2006). Authentic leaders creating healthy work environments for nursing practice. American Journal of Critical Care, 15(3), 256-268.…
Finkelman, A. (2012) Leadership and management for nurses: Core competencies for quality care (2nd ed.). Boston, MA. Pearson…
Question! “Healthcare organisations should practice a relational view of leadership that encompasses the importance of both leaders and followers in the leadership process” (Central Queensland University, 2015). Before answering this question it is important that a closer look at the key components and dynamics that shape and influence both leadership and followership. This paper will question what leadership is, what are the traits and characteristics that make a good leader and how leadership can influence nursing practice. In regard to nursing practice, this paper will also highlight significant aspects of the profession that ultimately dictates the style of leadership that best serves this field of health care. Also contained within…
When Mr. Weed was asked whether he considered leaders within his organization as stewards of care, he responded that leaders are influencing others by training and educating them to deliver the best health care possible. He gave the example of the recent changes in CRNA’s being required to recertify periodically throughout their career and increasing the degree field from a master’s degree to a doctorate degree. In this example, stewardship involved continuous competency management of education to provide quality care (personal communication, Eric Weed, December 8, 2013).…
Nurses demonstrate the core values of professionally caring for others in two different prospects. Huber (2014), notes that “nurses have two basic roles: care providers and care coordinators” (p. 3). Most significantly nurses are valued in the setting of patient care, while the coordinator role revolves around management and organizing care, using thinking skills to coordinate complex activities. Nursing is multifaceted, although direct quality patient care is of significance, a positive leader or manager is also essential to support the recent changes to healthcare requirements. Having the right blend of qualities is vital to becoming a successful mentor in the acute care environment. A successful manager or leader that can positively implement quality and performance initiatives, by enacting the National Quality Strategy’s three aims of better care; healthy people/ healthy communities and affordable care changes, as the most marked missions for leaders to implement in this national healthcare reform ( Weston & Roberts, 2013). Managers and leaders who effectively measure and support their nursing personal in reaching their institutions mission of better quality and performance in the United States healthcare system, will report positive progress in care coordination of patient safety, improved care for at risk populations through preventative health offerings and an improved quality of patient and caregiver experience (Weston & Roberts, 2013). Implementing change is often met with resistance from healthcare personal as overwhelming changes continue to transpire. A Leader or managers who use strategic management strategies with application of shared governance to implement these changes as well as self-evaluating their overall personality type are all important factors in being successful. The pros and cons of the expectations of a leader or manager implementing…
Leadership is the process of influencing, communicating, and motivating groups of people in order to accomplish goals (Huber, 2014). This role is underpinned with trust and requires an emotional intelligence from the leaders themselves. Other needed skills involve a cognitive ability to understand the situation at hand, a behavioral competency in order to adapt to the situation, and a process competency that allows effective communication to others (Huber, 2014). Leaders focus on people and group goals. Leadership is important in nursing because through leadership the various elements of nursing practice are implemented to ensure the best quality of care…
References: Atkinson Smith, M. (2011, September). Are you a transformational leader. Magnetic Pull, 42(9), 44-50.…
A relational leader are leaders that create commitment through participation. Most importantly teamwork plays a big role. They will learn the strength and weakness of each member and as well and themselves. Find ways to make sure all members of the group are involved. Last they reflect on failures and find way to improve. Reational Leadership model consist of: purpose, inclusive, empowering, ethical, and process. First purpose, it is working towards common goals and bring positive change. In a group, working toward a common goal must be communicated to all members and everyone participate to achieve this goal. Then inclusive, it is understanding and actively engaging diverse viewpoints. In a group, it about making everyone feel welcomed, equal,…
Melnyk, B. M., Malloch, K., Gallagher-Ford, L. (2014). Developing effective leaders to meet 21st century health care challenges. In C.C. Burns (Eds.), Professional issues in nursing: challenges and opportunities (3rd ed., pp.30-46). Baltimore, MD. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins…
Leadership development in the nursing profession is important because it directly impacts the care that is delivered to clients. Transactional and Transformational leadership styles are two very different methods of leadership in the nursing profession. This Essay will compare and contrast these two styles and support that transformational leadership style inspires quality care, job satisfaction and improved patient outcomes…
Change, Advancing Health. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2011. 1. Print. Retrieved from:…
Leadership skills are learned behaviors, and the development of effective nurse leaders is essential to ensure the safety and quality of care provided to patients in today’s rapidly changing world of health care (Scott & Miles, 2013). Effective leadership not only impacts patients, but also impacts the quality of nurses’ lives (Huber, 2014). Furthermore, it is important for nurses to learn effective followership competencies, as well (Huber,…