
Marxism Animal Farm

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Marxism Animal Farm
One form of government can destroy a country. Totalitarianism is a form of government that abandons the working class and gives all the power to the government and upper class. Totalitarianism doesn’t work at all because, it limits the freedom of each citizen, doesn’t require every class to do work, and in total gives all the power and money to the upper class/government. This may all be happening but the citizens don’t know because the government limits the information they receive, so the citizens think everyone is being treated equally and fairly. The book Animal farm Is an allegory for the Russian revolution and a warning against Totalitarianism. Napoleon was the character representing Stalin In the book. Both Were dictators, …show more content…
Old major and Karl Marx started the communistic revolution for their country/farm. Both had the intention to create a completely Communistic Country. They both started the revolution with their ideas of communism. They were the original leaders of this idea and were both the first communist in their country. They were the philosophers of change, that died before their idea was fully carried out! If the two would have lived to set up the government maybe it wouldn’t have gone so south. When old major died, snowball and Napoleon fought to take his place, when Karl Marx died, Stalin and Trotsky fought to take his place. Napoleon one and became leader, as did Stalin. The replacement leader started with communistic ideas in mind, but slowly switched to a totalitarianistic government without the citizens knowing. This whole story plot shows how Karl Marx and Old major's ideas carried on and, how Old Major was an Allegory for Karl Marx. Animal Farm was an allegory for the russian revolution and a warning towards totalitarianism. So there were many Allegories hidden in Animal farm such as, Napoleon being stalin, Boxer being the working class, and Old major being Karl Marx. T8uuu7uuuuuuuuuuhis was a clever warning intertwined in a overall allegory. But it is a warning so notice, is you governemnt strriping you of indivual rights? Are you losing control? Do you really know what is happening in your government? If not you may be in for a bumpy ride with a totalitarianism

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