" Ratemyprofessor.com" is a website well known to college students and high school students for giving insight into what students' Professors will be like. The Article " Does ratemyprofessor.com really rate my professor?" discusses the websites usefulness as well as its accuracy based off of the topics used to judge the professor. The article, first seen in "Assessment and evaluation in higher education" comments on topics such as the websites use of the catagories "clarity" and "helpfulness". It also has commentary on the "looks" and "easiness" catagorys and determines that this is a flaw in the websites ability to accurately judge a professor. The authors James Otto, Douglous A. Sanford, Jr. , and Dougless N. Ross procede to explain…
With the advance of the World Wide Web and information technology, certain internet websites have gained mass popularity among college students. These websites such as ratemyprofessor.com, ratemyteacher.com, and ProfessorPerformance.com allow students to review and rate professors on an open board where students can freely view past criticisms to decide upon future classes. Not only do these professor reviews help the students prepare for class, but more importantly they give insight on the quality of a professor’s teaching and the contemporary student’s attitudes towards modern college academia. In this paper, the author will be analyzing several comments posted on Ratemyprofessor.com regarding an upper-division Accounting class, Econ 136C, taught by Professor Coby Harmon. Furthermore, the paper will rely on the concepts introduced by Dr. Kenneth J. Gergen and Jeremy Rifkin work, respectively “The Self in the Age of Information” and “A Post Modern Age,” in order to carefully dissect the attitudes of contemporary students and figure the psychology and social pressures that dictates their review.…
Author Keith M. Parsons’s purpose was to briefly summarize the differences between high school and college to his future students. Parson begins his article by stating a few things that will guide you into becoming a successful student. He first wants to explain the difference between a teacher and a professor, “Teachers are evaluated on the basis of learning outcomes, generally as measure by standardized tests. If you don’t learn, then your teacher is blamed. However, things are very different for a university professor. It is no part of my job to make you learn. At university, learning is your job and yours alone. My job is to lead you to the fountain of knowledge. Whether you drink deeply or only gargle is entirely up to you”. (Parson, 1)…
Title: AS A WEAPON IN THE HANDS OF THE RESTLESS POOR , By: Shorris, Earl, Harper's Magazine, 0017789X, Sep97, Vol. 295, Issue 1768…
Edmundson starts telling its readers why he dislikes class evaluations at the end of each course. Edmundson extends this to the idea that universities have adapted a market mentality (vendors and consumers). In other words, the universities will change things around just to satisfy their students (consumers). Moreover, professors usually have to make their own changes, so that they receive good evaluations and make students “comfortable”. Graff supports the idea that universities don’t care about education, but they just want to make the students’ life easier, with those “easy classes”. Edmundson talks about how his students usually say that it’s a fun and interesting class. However, these comments don’t make him happy, instead it gives him a self-dislike feeling. He wants to hear something different; “I want some of them to say that they’ve been changed by the course” says Edmundson (Edmundson…
In the article “In Defense of the Liberal Arts”, Lane Wallace gives an example of what someone could do if they drop out of college. It also explains why staying in college and earning a degree is important. I agree with the article and believe that staying in school will benefit the student in the long run, even if they don’t think it is important.…
There seems to be a great misconception on how students are graded by their professors or teachers. Ahmed Afzaal, an assistant professor at Concordia College, concluded that “to the extent that the faculty-student relationship becomes tense and even adversarial, the community is weakened and the goal of perpetual learning is jeopardized” (Afzaal, 2012). While grading his students’ work, he takes a different approach “one that will enhance rather than impede their learning” (Afzaal, 2012). However it is noted that it is not just students having this misconception on grades but “employers, graduate and professional schools, and academic-award givers have a natural, if misguided, interest in undergraduates ' performance” (Dole, 2002).…
Paper title: Critical Response to William Liberal and Jacob G. Hornberger on free health care…
In my career as a student I have come across some teachers who were awful at their job. These teachers could not keep control of their class or they just didn’t have effective methods of teaching. Though I have had some bad experiences with my teachers in the past, I have had many more teachers who really cared about their students and did an amazing job at making their course enjoyable as well as educational. I don’t think it’s fair that students have to be lucky enough to have great teachers. Amazing teachers should be guaranteed to all students. The only way to fulfill this guarantee is to carry out proper teacher evaluation. Michelle Rhee’s method had to do with student test scores. In Geoffrey Canada’s article on teacher accountability, he writes that at his schools, teachers are evaluated through performance data of students. He also uses student progress as an evaluation tool and that he keeps an eye on the dedication of staff to their students. I believe this method is more effective for it shows if a teacher is educating their students rather than just preparing them for the big standardized…
Robert Harris’ article, “On the Purpose of a Liberal Arts Education” on page 1-6 of the website VirtualSalt (March 14, 1991), is written in enumeration mode. The purpose of the article is persuading the reader to think about the advantages of liberal arts education. The article has a positive tone because it is optimistic, and respectful. Harris lists several rewards of liberal arts education. First, liberal arts education can help you become a broad thinker. Second, liberal arts education gives you a chance to learn and empower you to discover the world. Also, it elevates you to increase your knowledge and teach you how to become a good leader. Finally,…
In order to be a high-quality and effective teacher I aim, within this text to identify precisely what assessment is, how to apply it well and to ensure that it fits the required frameworks which further quantify good assessment.…
Mark Edmundson’s essay, “On the Uses of a Liberal Education,” was published in Harper’s magazine in the fall of 1997. Edmundson begins the article by giving us a glimpse into his own experiences teaching. He speaks on how, he dreads evaluation day at the end of each term, he feels he is being reviewed more on his entertaining ability and less on if the student felt changed by his course. Near the end of the article, Edmundson states, “My overall point is this: It’s not that a left-wing professional coup has taken over the university. It’s that at American universities, left-liberal politics have collided with the ethos of consumerism. The consumer ethos is winning.” (pg. 48) This article is about how the younger generation has been raised with…
I received your letter wondering how a liberal arts education would benefit a medical student. This is a very common debate that has come up lately. A liberal arts education is something that most colleges are beginning to require. There are many factors that come into play when talking about a liberal arts education, especially when relating that education to the schooling of a medical student. The two types of education are drastically diverse, yet both are vital to have a durable career in the future. Some believe that an education in the liberal arts is very important to a career, but others believe that the skills needed to perform for that career is what the most important.…
According to Efficiency in liberal education; a study of comparative instructional costs for different ways of organizing teaching-learning in a liberal arts college, another key element supporting the mission of liberal arts colleges is that students who attend a liberal arts college are more likely to be hired for jobs, and accepted into graduate school (Bowen). Liberal arts schools, such as Transylvania University, strive to teach kids critical thinking and writing skills, as well as how to formally present their ideas. Teachers have fewer students, and more time to analytically grade student’s homework and essays. Liberal arts professors may have to grade 20 essays whereas at a state university, teachers may have up to 500 essays to grade (Masci). It’s doubtful that a teacher who has 500 essays to review will be able to provide the same help and provide the same critical skills than a teacher who only has…
Classroom assessment helps individual college teachers obtain useful feedback on what, how much, and how well their students are learning… [the purpose] is to produce the highest possible quality of student learning…to help student learn more effectively and efficiently than they could on their own (p. 3).…