Unfortunately some people think of hunters as bloodthirsty savages’ that
enjoy the killing of animals, with blood-smeared faces and howling over a dead animal. I
believe wild animals are here for us to respectfully use to survive. How else would 've
someone lived 80-years ago without the harvesting of animals? And why should it be
different now? Just like any stereotype, there will always be those who disrespect and take
advantage of what God’s given us to use and create a bad image of those of us who harvest
respectfully. The harvesting, regulation and control of wild animals plays a great role in the
prevention of motor vehicle accidents, reducing the risk of disease, and crop destruction.
Anytime there is an abundance of wildlife, they also become controversial. Any wild
game may be viewed as a trophy by the sports person, an addition to the landscape by the
nature enthusiast, a threat to crops by the for¬ester and farmer, and a road hazard by the
Some people believe we should leave Mother Nature to control the abundance of
game and predators. This would pose more of a risk to all than none due to the increase of
the human population encroaching into their dwelling areas. Keeping the balance
between predator and game is more important than most realize. For instance, if the coyote
populations weren’t regulated, the coyote herds killing off the fawns during birthing season
would drastically affect the deer population and others. Vice versa, if there were a large
absence of predators (coyotes), it would cause an overabundance of deer and other vermin
causing the risk for disease, crop destruction and motor-vehicle accidents to increase.
Each county in Ohio is managed and regulated annually by the Department of
Natural Resources. Bag limits and population levels for each of Ohio’s wildlife is dictated
on citizen input, cultural
References: Author, News Channel 5 Staff and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2011). Ohio Highway Patrol is reporting the number of motor vehicle crashes involving deer are on the rise. Retrieved from, http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/local_news/ohio-highway-patrol-is-reporting-the-number-of-motor-vehicle-crashes-involving-deer-are-on-the-rise.#ixzz2EHjDAhMl, Author, Ohio Department of Natural Resources (2011). Managing Ohio’s Deer Herd. Publication 87 (R905) Retrieved from, www.ohiodnr.com/wildlife 1-800-POACHER