Malcolm was also one of the new, upcoming generation that supported the idea of using violence in order to solve the problem. There were many complications and arguments between the new generation and the old. His ideas went against those of John Lewis and Martin Luther king Jr. Malcolm became famous for what he was doing, as though he was some sort of celebrity. Malcolm and Stokely Carmichael shared the same ideals of using any means necessary, including violence to accomplish their goals and get results in a faster pace. John Lewis respected Malcolm’s ideals by saying “I knew Malcolm. I respected him. Still, I never felt like he was part of the movement” (Lewis et al pg.149). Even though the new generation was restless and more aggressive towards their freedom, the older generation, John Lewis understood the feelings behind why Malcolm would act the way he did. “But I could understand his appeal, and the feelings of restlessness that drove it” (Lewis et al pg.149). Both generations were fighting for the same goal, but each side had different approaches towards the
Malcolm was also one of the new, upcoming generation that supported the idea of using violence in order to solve the problem. There were many complications and arguments between the new generation and the old. His ideas went against those of John Lewis and Martin Luther king Jr. Malcolm became famous for what he was doing, as though he was some sort of celebrity. Malcolm and Stokely Carmichael shared the same ideals of using any means necessary, including violence to accomplish their goals and get results in a faster pace. John Lewis respected Malcolm’s ideals by saying “I knew Malcolm. I respected him. Still, I never felt like he was part of the movement” (Lewis et al pg.149). Even though the new generation was restless and more aggressive towards their freedom, the older generation, John Lewis understood the feelings behind why Malcolm would act the way he did. “But I could understand his appeal, and the feelings of restlessness that drove it” (Lewis et al pg.149). Both generations were fighting for the same goal, but each side had different approaches towards the