Evidence from Grace Communications, 2013 showed that livestock fed with antibiotics do have an effect on the creation of superbugs because the livestock release the antibiotics into the environment where the superbugs are created. This evidence from Grace Communications, 2013 showed that livestock fed with antibiotics do have an effect on the creation of superbugs because the livestock release the antibiotics into the environment where the superbugs are created. This clearly demonstrates another reason, why our company shouldn’t use feed infused with antibiotics. The risks of using antibiotics with our livestock should far outweigh the benefits. Antibiotics can be considered somewhat of a waste of money, are already overused, not using them can be very profitable, and lastly they have shown many dangers to human health. Overall antibiotic infused feed is a big deal right now but it hasn't been thoroughly tested yet so our company shouldn’t use it. As a last thought on this topic, the main goal in most everybody's life should be to leave the planet better than we found it and using antibiotics has shown effects against that
Evidence from Grace Communications, 2013 showed that livestock fed with antibiotics do have an effect on the creation of superbugs because the livestock release the antibiotics into the environment where the superbugs are created. This evidence from Grace Communications, 2013 showed that livestock fed with antibiotics do have an effect on the creation of superbugs because the livestock release the antibiotics into the environment where the superbugs are created. This clearly demonstrates another reason, why our company shouldn’t use feed infused with antibiotics. The risks of using antibiotics with our livestock should far outweigh the benefits. Antibiotics can be considered somewhat of a waste of money, are already overused, not using them can be very profitable, and lastly they have shown many dangers to human health. Overall antibiotic infused feed is a big deal right now but it hasn't been thoroughly tested yet so our company shouldn’t use it. As a last thought on this topic, the main goal in most everybody's life should be to leave the planet better than we found it and using antibiotics has shown effects against that