Alcott grew up in a lesser fortunate home just like the March girls and had to work at the same kind of jobs as Meg and Jo to help support her family. She also grew up in a family of four girls. Further understanding of Alcott, she reminds the reader of the character of Jo March. The best way to see Alcott in Jo is through Jo’s love of writing. Jo writing and literature fancies are that to Alcott’s. Although Little Women is fictional, Alcott’s personal experiences and early life played a large role in creating the characters and settings, as well as, making the characters relatable. Even, though Alcott never married herself, she felt pressure from society at her time to make sure her alter ego, Jo March, got …show more content…
Over a three year span, the novel follows Atticus’s and especially his children’s reticule before the trial for defending a black man. Even though the community of Maycomb is racist, Atticus stands by his choice to defend the black man, Tom Robinson. His kids stand by him as well, even sitting in the colored balcony to watch the trial. Atticus makes a great case proving Robinson not guilty; yet, the white jury convicts him. He is later shot trying to escape. Even after the trial Atticus and his family still face problems for defending Robinson. At the end, Scout, one of Atticus’s children, truly realizes that the barrios between blacks and whites need to come down. Through archetypal, symbolic, and mythical analysis the question raises of why title To Kill a Mockingbird? The Mockingbird is a symbol for segregation. Mockingbirds harasses other birds that enter their territories, to kill one symbolically is breaking down the barriers of segregation between blacks and whites. Racal segregation has been a theme in literature for a long time and many of those stories happen just like this one. The stories always are whites against and oppressing blacks because of color. Unlike most racial stories, this one says in the title that racial segregation needs to end and it’s not